1. Public Educational Programmes
  • We organize monthly programmes for the students as well as the community to get the oppurtunity to be educated with Kitaabs that are not within the syllabus. We also assure that the specific kitaabs are completed and certificates are given to the participants.
  • We also organize programmes and workshops that contain a broad scope of topics for all ages. 
  1. Telegram Channel
  • We initiated a Telegram Channel to share with the community at large hailed from different states of Malaysia on how to perform Wudhu’ and Salaah in the manner it is required by the Shariah. We also allow them to unfurl the petals of their inquiries by allowing them to ask any questions pertaining to Salaah, Wudhu’ as well as Monthly Menstruation issues.
  1. Charity Welfare 
  • We organize a charity welfare programme where in we invite others to donate anything they will and items are to be sent to our madrasah. The items will then be packed by us before being sent to the organization incharged. We have been collaborating with Kitchen In Calais who ships out boxes of donation to Syria. We were also given a chance to be part of  Rohingya’s Donation Camp through Maulana Menk who offers himself to serve our Muslim brothers and sisters there.
  1. Educational Trip
  • We also provide our students the opportunity to engage with nature at several occasions. We organize trips which allows our students to further explore and recognize the bounties of Allah Taala from a different perspective by giving them the chance to intermingle with the outside world under our supervision. 

Copyright © 2019 Madrasah Tarbiyatul Banaat




  1. Public Educational Programmes
  • We organize monthly programmes for the students as well as the community to get the oppurtunity to be educated with Kitaabs that are not within the syllabus. We also assure that the specific kitaabs are completed and certificates are given to the participants.
  • We also organize programmes and workshops that contain a broad scope of topics for all ages. 
  1. Telegram Channel
  • We initiated a Telegram Channel to share with the community at large hailed from different states of Malaysia on how to perform Wudhu’ and Salaah in the manner it is required by the Shariah. We also allow them to unfurl the petals of their inquiries by allowing them to ask any questions pertaining to Salaah, Wudhu’ as well as Monthly Menstruation issues.
  1. Charity Welfare 
  • We organize a charity welfare programme where in we invite others to donate anything they will and items are to be sent to our madrasah. The items will then be packed by us before being sent to the organization incharged. We have been collaborating with Kitchen In Calais who ships out boxes of donation to Syria. We were also given a chance to be part of  Rohingya’s Donation Camp through Maulana Menk who offers himself to serve our Muslim brothers and sisters there.
  1. Educational Trip
  • We also provide our students the opportunity to engage with nature at several occasions. We organize trips which allows our students to further explore and recognize the bounties of Allah Taala from a different perspective by giving them the chance to intermingle with the outside world under our supervision.
  1. Curriculum 
  • Students are also exposed to Sunnah activities such as horse riding, archery as well as swimming. We ensure that students get to do various activities at different months as we believe that sports are essential for the growth of students.
  1. Summary On Archery 
  • Archery is an activity that was commonly done during the time of Rasulullah SAW, making it a sunnah and meritorious activity. Alhamdulillah, our madrasah has been given the opportunity to provide the students with archery classes twice a month. Students are graded and certified upon completion of the course.

Copyright © 2019 Madrasah Tarbiyatul Banaat

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