

After a year of learning, I have experienced a lot of things. The tarbiyah of the madrasah had changed my life from various aspects. Eventhough I was home and not under the supervision of my asaatizahs, I was able to practise what had been taught to me. My asaatizahs really emphasized the importance of akhlaaq and adaab ( etiquettes ) as I believe that adaab rises above ilm ( knowledge ). Day by day, I could see the improvement in myself. Furthermore, the subjects taught also aids me to be able to face the challenges of the outside world. For example, Tauheed. It helps me to understand better regarding my beliefs as well as the beliefs of the deviated sects in order for me to save myself from them. I have also been given the opportunity to learn three different languages such as English, Arabic and Urdu. It is very interesting. Moreover, due to the madrasah being international, I have lots of friends from different countries which makes me realise about the conditions of our fellow muslim brothers and sisters at the other parts of the world.
Binti Wahab
Oola 2018, Malaysia
I came from Taiwan. I have been here in this madrasah for about 2 months. The classrooms and the dormitory are very comfortable. The teachers here look after us just like their own sisters. They have been blessed with so much knowledge and have never hesitated to share it with us. Moreover, their teaching method is also very good. Our principal is very kind and soft. She makes me feel like I’m her own daughter. Besides that, the students here are very warm and friendly. They help me whenever I need their support. Thereafter, the food that are provided here are also very delicious. Finally, I would like to show my gratitude to Allah for bringing me here and giving me the opportunity to be able to study Islamic Knowledge in this madrasah.
Binti Abdullah, Pre Eedadiyyah
2018, Taiwan
I’m a Chinese. Now, I have learned in this madrasah for about half a year. The studying environment here makes me feel very comfortable. Although I am far away from home, it doesn’t make me sad. Our Asaatizah educate and look after us just like their own sisters. They have been blessed with so much knowledge and have taught us with so much patience. Besides that, the food here is also very delicious. Day by day, we learn how to improve ourselves and become a better person.
Binti Nuh, Pre Eedadiyyah
2018, China
Everyone in this life will have a place to stop by. Just like how we are in a garden of flowers, we wouldn’t just pluck any flower but rather we will choose the flowers wisely and pluck the ones that attracts us the most. Therefore, I am very grateful for I have been chosen to be here in this madrasah. I have experienced a lot of things. Amongst them is the tarbiyat. Our Asaatizahs have really emphasized the importance of Akhlaaq and Adaab. They have always reminded us that no matter how much knowledge you have, they may even equal to the weight of the mountains, but if there is no etiquettes together with it, it all means nothing. Furthermore, they have taught us the real lifestyle led by the Sunnah of Rasoolullah SAW. Our days are filled with various Sunnah. Last but not least, I’m very grateful for this opportunity that Allah has given me.
Binti Ghazally, Eedadiyyah
2018, Malaysia
Alhamdulillah I'm now a student of MTBM. The learning system is really good and easy to adapt especially for people who has no experience or basics in learning Islamic studies. The fact that we are learning in English, its definitely a big advantage for us to be the hope of the ummah anywhere anytime. The environment here is more to a family environment which doesn't give pressure for us to change ourselves especially to those who are not from an Islamic family. 
Binti Abdul Munir, Eedadiyyah
In this madrasah we are given the chance to learn 3 languages, Arabic, Urdu, English. Through these languages, I'm humbled to be given the opportunity to translate the Quran and know the explanation of Quran in detail. 

Here our Aapas focusses more on Tarbiyat ( upbringing ) as learning without Tarbiyat will not produce a good Aalim. 

من يرد الله به خيرا يفقه فى الدين 
" Whomsoever Allah intends goodness in Him, Allah will grant him the understanding of Deen. " 

Binti Sohaimi, Thaaniyah
2019, Malaysia


Love is something unexpectable cause it exists during times that we don’t think of its existence but,

Love in itself is sufficient to teach the lover 
The ettiquette and conduct of love.

No matter how angry and annoyed you are,
When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
World will know peace.

It takes thousands of steps to create a heart that loves
It only takes one small step to break the heart that loves.

Life is too short, 
To create bridges in the heart. 
Take a moment in your life and build up some love.
Build up some kindness.

Give love to everyone
Just as rain falls upon everything and everyone.

Never break a love so that your love wouldn’t be broken,
Never hold back a love so that your love wouldn’t be held back.

The power of love is such that it can make you a great person or 
It can also ruin you.

So make your love something that will 
Make you GREAT! 

Binti Ghazally, Oola, 2019 

To learn how to be grateful,
Never look at those who are above us because 
We will never feel enough. 
To learn how to be thankful,
Look at those who are below us. 
Because from there we can directly see how lucky we are compared to them.

We have eyes,
But we rarely see,
We have senses,
But we rarely think,
We have ears,
But we rarely listen. 
Therefore,remember to always use the senses that Allah granted us, for us to think and to create gratitude to Allah.


Binti Ghazally, Oola, 2019 



Living in a world where everybody has a superhero or a role model that each one looks up to, I mean if you ask kids nowadays,

“Who do you wanna be like when you grow up?” Loudly and proudly they will reply, “Ironman!” and you’ll hear another saying, “Captain America!” and another kid from the other corner of the room will shout out, “Spiderman!” 

Or you don’t even need to ask kids, maybe if you ask a grown up, “Who do you look up to?” Or “Whose advises do you listen to when you’re feeling down?” Or “Where do you get inspirations from?” Some will say, “Oh I listen to Tony Robins!” “I get my inspirations from Robert Kiyosaki!” And some entrepreneurs would probably say, “I watch Vivy Yusof’s vlogs!” 

But sadly many have forgotten to mention the name Muhammad SAW whenever they were asked who their role models and superheroes are. 

Well, let’s just take ourselves down the memory lane and travel back in history about our Beloved Prophet as well as our superhero and influencer, Nabi Muhammad SAW. 

He was that man who was born and had no father to raise him up. And before he knows it, his mother had to leave him for good. Yet, he was able to show compassion to the entire ummah at large with equality, limitlessly, despite all the flaws of his ummah and that is none other than the spiritual father of the ummah, Nabiy-e-kareem SAW.  

Furthermore, this Noble Influencer, Muhammad SAW, has not just benefitted the ummah during His lifetime and afterwards, but he has benefitted the ummah before he was even born. And surely, none has been blessed with this noble legacy in the entire human history ! 

I mean, while his mother, Aaminah ( AS ) was carrying Him SAW, she had not experienced any sort of pain through out the pregnancy. Imagine what relief that is for any pregnant woman ! 

When he was born, there was a light that illuminated the entire Syria and the whole room that he was born in, was enveloped with light. Constellation of stars were about to collapse on the lap of Rasulullah SAW, at the time of his birth. He was born during daybreak, in junction of the day and the night so that both day and night could share the honour of Rasulullah SAW’s birth. 

Dear readers, these are just incidents at the time of his birth. Yet, he’s already blessed with so much entittlement and acknowledgement not just from mankind but from the entire universe. He must have been a really great man for the entire universe to love him to this extent. And no doubt, he is ! 

However, despite all these honour, he also had to go through a  tremendous amount of challenges and difficulties. The same Nabiy that is adored by many is the same Nabiy that is trampled by many. Yet, he’s never given up with the work of deen and His light has never stopped spreading around the globe upto this very day.   

He has shown us many examples of leading a successful life. He’s shown us methods of doing the smallest litte details like how should you relieve yourself. How should you eat. How should you walk. He’s shown us how to be a successful businessman. He’s shown us how to eradicate darkness and bring light. He’s shown us how to have a harmonious marriage. Oh trust me ! That’s one of the many issues that one finds no solution for. 

All the more, Aishah (RA) proclaimed to the sun saying that,

“Oh sun! All you do is enlighten a portion of the world and the remaining portion will still be in darkness. But my Rasulullah SAW, could enlighten the entire world without leaving out a single spot of darkness in it.” 

That was the immense love she had for Rasulullah SAW.

Hence, dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

all these influential people we look so high upon, are undoubtedly prestigious but never could they surpass Rasulullah SAW.

Ooops, before you say,  “Of course Rasulullah SAW could be so patient and successful because he was a Nabiy! We are not prophets. We are ordinary humans.” 

Let me just remind you again, he was born like all of us are. He gets hungry just like how we get hungry and our stomach starts making that grr grr sound. He feels tired just like how we get so exhausted and feel like we wanna lay in bed the entire day and not do anything. He feels the pain of betrayal and frustration just like how we feel the pain. He goes into depression due to all the workload that he has been entrusted upon, just like how we feel like our world is crushing when a whole month’s work due within a week. Yet he carries the impeccable quality in him all because he follows exactly what Allah Taala has taught him. 

One of the remarkable scholars used to mention,

“Quran Shareef is the manual book and Muhammad SAW is the demonstrator.”

So, I conclude this article with a special announcement for those who have read this far, 

A good news and unfortunately a bad news too for you.    

The good news is that, you have the formula of saving the world from all sorts of trials and tribulations. You can save the world from drowning into failure and darkness like a real superhero. You can be loved, adored and respected by many just like Rasulullah SAW, at this very moment of your life. 

But the bad news is that, you are not following and executing the formula shown by Rasulullah SAW. 

May Allah grant us the taufiq and hidaayah to follow the complete sunnah of Rasulullah SAW. May Allah grant us the overflowing love for Rasulullah SAW in our hearts and unite us with him, the sahabahs, martyrs and all the pious servants of Allah on the Day Of Qiyaamah in Jannatul Firdaus with all the people we love, inshaAllah ameen.


Sacrifices are only done out of great and sincere love for someone or something as no one would sacrifice themselves for something that is off no benefit nor it is done to someone without any feeling attached to it.

What is the true meaning of sacrifice? We would say true sacrifice is when the lover doesn’t feel afraid to risk himself for the beloved and would do anything to keep the beloved safe and happy but yet, some hopes and wishes on receiving the same treatment do lingers in the lover’s heart and mind.

The true meaning of sacrifice was already demonstrated and mentioned to us 1,400 years ago. It was done by the true lovers of Allah Ta’ala and His Rasul (SAW), the Sahabah Kiram (RA). They had spent their whole lives in Allah’s path and spent all of their time and every cent of their wealth for the upliftment of His religion without any hesitation. The sahabah (RA) had also put up their lives on the battles, striving and charging forward leaving behind their beloved family and all sort of thoughts but only keeping this one concern in their minds, this pure religion needs to reach mankind of all generations as it is everyone’s only key to the ultimate success, the hereafter.

However, in our era, we’ve been deluded on the success gained by the celebrities to be our goals and making them as our idols, while the main reason of their success is not based on the concern of spreading the pure deen but, it was for individual benefit and this is not the key to the success in the hereafter. 

The sahabah (RA) are not comprised of only elderly adults, however it comprises of all ages, skin colours, nationalities, characters, as well as having different backgrounds. They were normal people with different lifestyles and when the light of Iman were shun into their hearts, they embraced it so tightly after being in the darkness of ignorance, and due to the effect of the pure iman, they were willing to do anything for mankind to feel and have what they have gotten, which is Allah Ta’ala. 

From here is a story regarding a young sahabah who had left all the luxurious life and chose iman. 

Mus‘ab bin ‘Umair was a very handsome young man with a pair of natural blue eyes. He was the son of ‘Umair who was a wealthy person. He brought up his son in quite a luxurious fashion. He was the flower of the Quraish, the most handsome and youthful! Historians and narrators describe him as “The most charming of the Makkans”.

When Makkah slept and awoke there was no other talk but the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his religion, and this spoiled boy was one of the most attentive listeners. That was because, although he was young, the flower of clubs and assemblies, the outward appearance of wisdom and common sense were among the traits of Musab.

He heard that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and those who believed in him were meeting far away from the dignitaries and great men of the Quraish at As-safaa in the house of Al-Arqam ibn Al-Arqam dar Al-Arqam. He wasted no time. He went one night to the Dar Al Arqam, yearning and anxious. There, the Prophet(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was meeting his Companions, reciting the Qur’an to them and praying with them to Allah the Most Exalted. Musab had hardly taken his seat and contemplated the verses of Qur’an recited by the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) when his heart became the promised heart that night.

Mus`ab’s mother was Khunnas Bint Maalik, and people feared her almost to the point of terror because she possessed a strong personality. When Musab became a Muslim, he was neither careful before nor afraid of anyone on the face of the earth except his mother. Even if Makkah, with all its idols,nobles, and deserts were to challenge him, he would stand up to it. As for a dispute with his mother, this was an impossible horror, so he thought quickly and decided to keep his Islam secret until Allah willed. He continued to frequent Dar Al-Arqam and take lessons from the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). He was satisfied with his faith and avoided the anger of his mother, who had no knowledge of his embracing Islam.

However, Makkah at that time kept no secret, for the eyes and ears of the Quraish were everywhere, very alert and checking every footprint in its hot sands.

Once, `Uthmaan Ibn Taihah saw him steadily entering alarm’s house, then he saw him a second time praying the prayer like Muhammad. No sooner had he seen him than he ran quickly with the news to Mus`ab’s mother, who was astonished by it. Mus`ab stood before his mother, the people, and the nobles of Makkah who assembled around him, telling them the irrefutable truth and reciting the Quran with which the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) cleansed their hearts and filled them with honor, wisdom, justice, and piety. His mother aimed a heavy blow at him, but the hand which was meant as an arrow soon succumbed to the powerful light which increased the radiance of his face with innocent glory because it demanded respect with its quiet confidence. However, his mother, under the pressure of her motherliness, spared him the beating and the pain, although it was within her power to avenge her gods whom he had abandoned. Instead she took him to a rough corner of her house and shut him in it. She put shackles on him and imprisoned him there until he heard the news of the emigration (hijrah) of some of the believers to Abyssinia. He thought to himself and was able to delude his mother and his guards, and so escaped to Abyssinia.

He was the first envoy of Islam, bravely shouting the messages of Islam to the people all around. At the battle of Uhud, Musab was martyred. Ibn Sa`d said: Ibrahim lbn Muhammad lbn Sharhabiil Al-‘Abdriy related from his father, who said: Mus`ab lbn`Umair carried the standard on the Day of Uhud. When the Muslims were scattered, he stood fast until Hemet lbn Qumah who was a knight. He struck him on his right hand and cut it off, but Musab said, “and Muhammad is but a Messenger. Messengers have passed away before him ” (3:144). He carried the standard with his left hand and leaned on it. He struck his left hand and cut it off, and so he leaned on the standard and held it with his upper arms to his chest, all the whiles aying, “And Muhammad is but a Messenger. Messengers have passed away before him”. Then a third one struck him with his spear, and the spear went through him. Musab fell and then the standard.

Nay, the cream of martyrdom had fallen! He fell after he had struggled for the sake of Allah in the great battle of sacrifice and faith. He had thought that if he fell, he would be a stepping stone to the death of the Prophet(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) because he would be without defense and protection. But he put himself in harm’s way for the sake of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). overpowered by his fear for and love of him, he continued to say with every sword stroke that fell on him from the foe, “and Muhammad is but a Messenger. Messengers have passed away before him “(3:144). This verse was revealed later, after he had spoken it. After the bitter battle, they found the corpse of the upright martyr lying with his face in the dust, as if he feared to look while harm fellon the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). So he hid his face so that he would avoid the scene.Or perhaps, he was shy when he fell as a martyr, before making sure of the safety of the Prophet of Allah, and before serving to the very end, guarding and protecting him.

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his Companions came to inspect the scene of the battle and bid farewell to its martyrs. Pausing at Mus`ab’s body, tears dripped from the Prophet’s eyes. Khabbab ibn Al-Arat narrated: We emigrated with the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) for Allah’s cause, so our reward became due with Allah.Some of us passed away without enjoying anything in this life of his reward,and one of them was Mus`ab Ibn`Umair, who was martyred on the Day of Uhud. He did not leave behind anything except a sheet of shredded woolen cloth.If we covered his head with it, his feet were uncovered, and if we covered his feet with it, his head was uncovered. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said to us,”Cover his head with it and put lemon grass over his feet.”

Another beautiful and inspiring story of a sahabah who went for jihad without hesitation despite having his wish of marriage being fulfilled just before the call of jihad was made. 

At the time of the Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), a man came to the prophet named Sa’ad Al Aswad Al Sulumi and asked him,

“Oh, messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), will I also enter into Heaven (jannah)?”

The Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) responded, “Of course you will enter into Heaven if you are a believer.”

Sa’ad responded, “But me, I’m regarded as low amongst the believers.”

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, “Oh Sa’ad for you is the same reward as the rest of the believers,”

And Sa’ad asked, “then why would no one give me their daughter to marry.”

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) told him to go to Ibn Al Wahab, and he was one of the leaders of Medina who had just embraced Islam, and his daughter was known for her beauty. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) told Sa’ad go to Ibn Al Wahab and tell him that I have sent you to request his daughters hand in marriage.”

Sa’ad went to the home of Ibn Al Wahab looking for him. He was besides himself with excitement. He knocked on the door and said to Ibn Al Wahab,The Prophet has (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) sent me to request your daughters hand in marriage.

Ibn Al Wahab exclaimed, “You! To my daughter! Don’t you know my daughter! She’s known for her beauty,” and he told Sa’ad to go home. As Sa’ad began to walk away,

The daughter heard this, and said, “Oh father, wait. Wait! This is a request of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Where will we be if we turn down a request of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)? Where will we be if we turn away from the concerns of the messenger? I’ll tell you where we will be. We will be where we are!”

And she turned to Sa’ad and said, “Go to the Messenger of Allah, and tell him I am ready to marry you.” Sa’ad went to the prophet and he was elated!

The Prophet married them with a  dowry of 400 dirhams. Upon hearing that amount, Sa’ad exclaimed, “400 dirhams! Oh Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), I have never even seen 400 dirhams!

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) instructed him to go to Ali Al Nu’man ibn Awf and Uthman and tell them each to give you 200 dirhams each. They both gave him more than 200 dirhams.

On his way home to see his wife, he decides to stop by the marketplace to buy some gift for his beautiful wife. While at the market place, he hears the call to arms to prepare for battle. Sa’ad stood where he was and looked into the heavens. He said, “Oh Allah, I will buy something with this wealth that will please you. Oh Allah.” He bought a sword and a horse and he covered his face from the view of the Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). He knew that if the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) saw him he would send him home because he had just gotten married. The Sahabah were questioning, “Who is this man riding into battle with his face covered?” Ali replied, “He is coming to fight, leave him.” Sa’ad valiantly rode into battle, and eventually his horse was struck. He stood up, and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) saw his dark skin.

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) asked him, “Oh Sa’ad is that you?” Sa’ad said, “May my mother and my father be sacrificed for you oh Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). It is Sa’ad. Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), said, “Oh Sa’ad there is no other abode for you but Jannah.” He heard this and jumped back into the battlefield. After a while, people called that Sa’ad was wounded.

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) ran into the battlefield. He ran to find Sa’ad. He took the head of Sa’ad and placed it in his lap. The tears of the prophet were flowing and falling onto the face of Sa’ad. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was crying profusely. After a while, he started to smile, then he looked away.

There was a Sahaba named Abu Lubaba, who said “Oh Rasulullah, I saw you do something, I’ve never seen you do before. First you cried, then you smiled, then you looked away.”

The Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, “I cried because my beloved companion passed away. And I saw his sacrifice and his love for me. But when I saw his fate is by Allah, he had reached the hawd.” Abu Lubaba said, “What is the hawd?” He responded, “It is a fountain from which if a person drinks from, they will never be thirsty again. It is sweeter than honey and whiter than milk. And when I saw his status by Allah, I began to smile. Then I saw his wives in jannah running towards him with such eagerness that their shins were being exposed, so I looked away.”

This is only 2 inspiring stories of the sacrifices of these great sahabah, while there are many more that we need to read and learn from. Due to this kind of sacrifices made for Allah, the sahabah (RA) were blessed with such a title and a confirmation of entrance to paradise from Allah Ta’ala in the glorious Al Quran:

 رضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه

He is pleased with them and they (the sahabah) are pleased with Allah (with whatever condition they are placed in).

Lastly, in order to repay the sahabah (RA) for all of their sweat and blood, all we need to do is to remember them in our duas as well as keeping this Deen alive in us and spread it to others, having the same concern as them on wanting mankind to have what they have gotten. May Allah grant them the highest stages in jannatul firdaus without any hisab and grant them their share of rewards for all the sacrifices done for Allah and His Rasul (SAW).


When we talk about love, there are millions of stories and incidents that can describe this word. Love can be described from the tears of Muhammad peace be upon him, and the swelling of his feet in the middle of the night praying for his ummah. Love can be described from the sleepless night of a mother, the sweat of a father, knowledge given by a teacher. Love can be described from a hug of a sister, protection of a brother, and your favourite food cooked by your grandmother. There are many gestures of love that were shown by people and sometimes through animals too. As how we see on medias of a dog that would sit by the grave of its master and cry for his death. And sometimes how a cat would put her paws over her kittens out of protection. The mercy, love and compassion of Allah is seen through His creations. And felt by the heart. The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him mentioned in a hadith stated something to this effect, once he was pointing towards a mother with a child in her in her arms. Then he turned around and asked the companions RA “do you think that his mother would never throw her child into the fire?” The companions RA replied, “ definitely not ya Rasulullah” then the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him replied “ know that allah is 70 times more merciful and this mother.” 

Now if a mother would not throw a child into the fire, what more Allah that is 70 times more merciful than this mother? 

There was once a story about two men who lived their life in disobedience of Allah. Then on the day of resurrection, Allah calls them both for reckoning. After looking at their book of deeds, Allah SWT asked them, “Did My angels calculated your deeds unjustly?” They replied in the negative. Allah SWT asked again, “did you really break all My commands?” They both replied, “Yes.” Then Allah SWT ordered them both to jump into the fire of Hell. 

The first man jumped immediately into the fire of jahannam. While the other keeps turning to his back after every step. Allah SWT called them both and asked. “Why did you jump into the fire immediately?” The first man replied, “I have lived my whole life disobeying You, at least for once, I obey Your command.” Allah SWT then turned to the other man, “And why did you keep turning your head around as you walk?” He then replied, “Because I heard about Your mercy and that You are the Most Merciful, therefore I hoped for Your mercy on me.” 

Allah SWT then ordered them both, “Go! Enter into Jannah both of you with My mercy.” 

There are plenty signs of His love that spreads throughout all of us from the things we have to the air that we breathe. And most importantly is how He forgives every sin even if it is as much as the foam in the sea. 

Once there was a prostitute who was walking alone feeling very thirsty. Then she found a well nearby, so she took off her shoe to collect water from it. But by the well was a thirsty dog. The was also trying to get water from the well but he couldn’t. She then gave the dog water to drink. And for this act, Allah SWT forgave her all her sins. 

You may feel that you are undeserving of His love or maybe there are days when you’re tested with so many tests that you tend to question if it was all a punishment to you due to your sins. Or maybe if Allah doesn’t love you. True fact is that Allah SWT sends these tests to His servant only when the servant is astray from Him. It is a call to come back to Him. Especially in days where you feel like no one is there for you or to understand you, it’s a sign from Allah to rely on Him, to talk to Him, because He misses you and your voice in making du’as. And to forgive your sins for you by means of these tests as an atonement from the eternal punishment. So even tests from Allah SWT is a sign of His love. 

Once a buzrug (pious man) was walking in a jungle. Then he saw a scorpion pass by him somehow in a rush. He then followed this scorpion to see where it is going, the scorpion went on a back of a turtle to cross the river. And when it reaches the other side, the scorpion attacks a snake that was about to bite a man that was sleeping under a tree. The snake then went away. In conclusion the scorpion came to protect this man. Then the man suddenly woke up from his slumber, and asked what had happened. The buzrug narrated to him the whole thing and he then repented. 

The man that was sleeping under a tree was a drunkard man. And this was Allah’s way to show His divine love even to sinners. 

When a pious person makes du’a and calls out to Allah, Allah SWT replies once, “labbaik ya ‘abdi” (I am present oh My servant). 

And when a sinner calls out, “Ya Allah..” 

Allah SWT replies to him 3 TIMES, “labbaik, labbaik labbaik ya ‘abdi” 

(I am here, I’m here, I’m present oh My servant) 

And every single tear that drops from the eyes of a sinner is so much more beloved to Allah than a tear of a pious. And who among us that doesn’t sin at all? (His prophets are chosen men, their ranks are above us all and cannot be compared) 

In fact, in a hadith qudsi mentioned something to this effect, “if a nation doesn’t sin, I will remove it and bring a nation that sins.” And this is for Allah to show His infinite mercy and love to all mankind. 

We are all indeed not worthy of His love, undeserving of His mercy, but this is all to prove to us how great His mercy is, and how it encompasses everything, every single sin, every single mistake. 

If you ever feel Allah does not love you, bear this part of a hadith in mind, “when a person walks unto Me, I run unto him.” Allah SWT, the King of all Kings, would run to His servant, even if he takes one small step. And how can we make one step if it wasn’t from His power? So it was Allah first that made us take the first step, that first loves us, only then we are able to love Him. 

Allah SWT loves you, and He has made you among the ummah of Muhammad (peace be upon him), and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a mercy to the universe, and this mercy is in fact from the mercy of Allah. 

And to me, writing this article is in fact a sign of the love of Allah to me. 

May Allah grant us immense love from Him, makes us among those who He loves and raise us on the day of qiyamah among the mahboobeen (the lovers of Allah). Aamiin..


The Quran is a 114 chapter of love letter which our True Beloved, Allah SWT has sent to us, containing His message of love, advices and warnings. When a person gets a love letter, how much will he cherish it? 

 Imam Ghazali RA has mentioned a quotation from the Taurah in which Allah SWT address man: “O my servant! Are you not ashamed of your behaviour towards me? If you receive a letter from a friend while you are travelling on a road, you will stop on the side of the road and sit in a suitable place. You then read it with full attention and try to understand every word therein, so that no single points escape you.  But here is My Book which I have revealed to you. 

In it, I have expounded and explained everything in detail for your sake. In it I have really emphasized important matters, so that you may ponder over its every detail. But you show an attitude of indifference. Do you consider Me less important than even your friend? O My servant! When one of your friends sits with you and talks to you, you pay full attention to him. You listen to his words and take them to heart. If anybody speaks to you or interrupts your conversation with him, you stop him with a gesture. But when I turn My attention towards you and talk to you through My Book, you turn your attention away from Me. Do you consider Me less important than your friends?” When we read The Quran, Allah is listening to what we are reading. Therefore, we must always renew our intention when we are reading, because we are not reading to show that we can read Quran, or to show that we have a nice voice BUT WE ARE READING QURAN SOLELY FOR THE PLEASURE OF ALLAH.

When a person attach themselves to the Quran, we are actually attaching ourself to Allah SWT. The Quran is the greatest gift of Allah SWT to mankind. It is our guide and it even provides instructions for us at every stage of our life’s journey. Mankind is the greatest machinery which was created and manufactured by Allah SWT himself.

Just like how a machine will always be equipped with a manual book, in the same way Quran is the manual book that taught us on how to deal with things in life. 

It is imperative for us to have firm conviction in the Quran as it is our source of guidance and sucess. Without Quran, astrayness and emptiness will fill our heart.

Unfortunately, nowadays most people focus more on keeping their body healthy and fit that they tend to neglect on concentrating to those things which nourishes the hearts and the minds – The Holy Quran.

People spent more time on gadgets and entertainment than spending time on the words of Allah. Sometimes the Quran is not being touch for so long, that dust is full on the cover. 

Do we realize how important Quran is to us? 

Quran is also such, that it can become our loyar and attorney in our grave and on the day of qiyamah, If we show our love and concern to the Quran.

Many times we wonder, why is our recitation of Quran has no effect on our lives? 

That’s because we are reading the Quran without having the love of Allah in our heart.


What qualifies a person to become an experienced doctor?

What about a successful master in property investment?

I believe an experienced doctor is qualified after a lengthy amount of learning with a lot of practices and surgeries in the operating theatre and a master of property investments is when he has large amounts of properties on his name.

Then what about an expert in matters of Islamic knowledge?

As we all know, Islamic knowledge is vast, as vast as the ocean.

Allah Ta’ala mentions

“Thus ask the people of knowledge if you do not know”

Surah Nahl 16;43

So who are the people of knowledge mentioned in this verse.

Who dares now to call himself one?

However our Great Imams have reached the closest stages of knowledge after the companions of the Prophet Muhammad had passed on.

Our Imam Shafi’e was titled as “Nasirus Sunnah” (the saviour of sunnah) in Baghdad.

He memorized the Quran Shareef when he was 7, the Muatta of Imam Malik when he was 10 and his Shaikh, Muslim bin Khallad az Zanji permitted him to pass verdicts (fatwa) when he was only 15 and some narration says when he was 18.

What were we still doing at those ages?

For those learning Deen (Islamic knowledge) probably have a hard time remembering Arabic grammar rulings or maybe still looking for chains of narrators to prove the authenticity of a Hadith.

Let’s say one claims he has such knowledge and ability.

What about when Allah Ta’ala says

“Do not follow your desires for that will cause you to go astray”

(Surah Sad 38;26)

Desires, mankind are filled with them. Only the strength of one’s Iman, Taqwa and a’amal.

But again, where are we when it comes to these factors?

Abu Muayyid Khawarizmi narrates that bdullah bin Mubarak once said, “On one occasion a few goats were stolen in Kufa. On hearing this, Imam Abu Hanifah enquired about the average maximum age of a goat. When he was informed that goast normally live up for up to 7 years, he abstained from eating goat meat for seven years fearing it might be the meat from a stolen goat.

The son of Imam Ahmad bin Hambal says, “My father used to perform three hundred rakaat daily. When he became ill due to the lashes which weakened him, he used to perform one hundred and fifty rakaat. At that time he was close to eighty years of age.

He used to recite one seventh of the Quran daily, thereby completing the Quran Shareef in seven days.”

The Sahabah of the Prophet and these Ulama were very particular on every aspect of Deen.

When we examine the lives of these four Imams, the outstanding feature could be described with the following words,

“They were a personification of the sunnah of the Prophet in every walk of life in entirety.”

Therefore back to the message of Allah Ta’ala to us:

“Follow the path of those who turn to Me (Allah Ta’ala)”

Surah Luqman 31;15

Then a question comes, why only the four of them and not others?

We cannot find any Ulama (scholar of Islam) from the Ulama of the past whose mazhab, work of Deen, researches and books have been entirely recorded like that of the four Imams.

Therefore with the consensus of the Ummah in the past have decided that only these four Imam should be followed.

Was it done during the time of the Prophet? 

Yes it was!

The Prophet Muhammad had sent Sayyidina Mu’aaz bin Jabal to Yemen and instructed the people of Yemen to follow the verdicts (fatwa) given by Sayyidina Mu’aaz.

Was it done by the 4 khalifah of the Prophet?

If it was done by the Prophet himself, then what do you think?

During the rule of Sayyidina Umar, he had a Darul ifta made which only consist of 8 sahabah. These were the only sahabah that were given the permission to pass a verdict throughout all the Islamic empire. All besides these 8 sahabah were not allowed to practice on their own verdict even if they be a sahabah or the family members of the Prophet.

They were Sayyidina Ali, Uthman, Muadh bin Jabal, Abdur Rahman Bin Auf, Ubayy bin Kaab, Zaid bin Thabit, Abu Hurairah and Abu Darda radiyallahu anhum.

Copyright © 2019 Madrasah Tarbiyatul Banaat



After a year of learning, I have experienced a lot of things. The tarbiyah of the madrasah had changed my life from various aspects. Eventhough I was home and not under the supervision of my asaatizahs, I was able to practise what had been taught to me. My asaatizahs really emphasized the importance of akhlaaq and adaab ( etiquettes ) as I believe that adaab rises above ilm ( knowledge ). Day by day, I could see the improvement in myself. Furthermore, the subjects taught also aids me to be able to face the challenges of the outside world. For example, Tauheed. It helps me to understand better regarding my beliefs as well as the beliefs of the deviated sects in order for me to save myself from them. I have also been given the opportunity to learn three different languages such as English, Arabic and Urdu. It is very interesting. Moreover, due to the madrasah being international, I have lots of friends from different countries which makes me realise about the conditions of our fellow muslim brothers and sisters at the other parts of the world.
Binti Wahab
Oola 2018, Malaysia
I came from Taiwan. I have been here in this madrasah for about 2 months. The classrooms and the dormitory are very comfortable. The teachers here look after us just like their own sisters. They have been blessed with so much knowledge and have never hesitated to share it with us. Moreover, their teaching method is also very good. Our principal is very kind and soft. She makes me feel like I’m her own daughter. Besides that, the students here are very warm and friendly. They help me whenever I need their support. Thereafter, the food that are provided here are also very delicious. Finally, I would like to show my gratitude to Allah for bringing me here and giving me the opportunity to be able to study Islamic Knowledge in this madrasah.
Binti Abdullah, Pre Eedadiyyah
2018, Taiwan
I’m a Chinese. Now, I have learned in this madrasah for about half a year. The studying environment here makes me feel very comfortable. Although I am far away from home, it doesn’t make me sad. Our Asaatizah educate and look after us just like their own sisters. They have been blessed with so much knowledge and have taught us with so much patience. Besides that, the food here is also very delicious. Day by day, we learn how to improve ourselves and become a better person.
Binti Nuh, Pre Eedadiyyah
2018, China
Everyone in this life will have a place to stop by. Just like how we are in a garden of flowers, we wouldn’t just pluck any flower but rather we will choose the flowers wisely and pluck the ones that attracts us the most. Therefore, I am very grateful for I have been chosen to be here in this madrasah. I have experienced a lot of things. Amongst them is the tarbiyat. Our Asaatizahs have really emphasized the importance of Akhlaaq and Adaab. They have always reminded us that no matter how much knowledge you have, they may even equal to the weight of the mountains, but if there is no etiquettes together with it, it all means nothing. Furthermore, they have taught us the real lifestyle led by the Sunnah of Rasoolullah SAW. Our days are filled with various Sunnah. Last but not least, I’m very grateful for this opportunity that Allah has given me.
Binti Ghazally, Eedadiyyah
2018, Malaysia
Alhamdulillah I'm now a student of MTBM. The learning system is really good and easy to adapt especially for people who has no experience or basics in learning Islamic studies. The fact that we are learning in English, its definitely a big advantage for us to be the hope of the ummah anywhere anytime. The environment here is more to a family environment which doesn't give pressure for us to change ourselves especially to those who are not from an Islamic family. 
Binti Abdul Munir, Eedadiyyah
In this madrasah we are given the chance to learn 3 languages, Arabic, Urdu, English. Through these languages, I'm humbled to be given the opportunity to translate the Quran and know the explanation of Quran in detail. 

Here our Aapas focusses more on Tarbiyat ( upbringing ) as learning without Tarbiyat will not produce a good Aalim. 

من يرد الله به خيرا يفقه فى الدين 
" Whomsoever Allah intends goodness in Him, Allah will grant him the understanding of Deen. " 

Binti Sohaimi, Thaaniyah
2019, Malaysia


Love is something unexpectable cause it exists during times that we don’t think of its existence but,

Love in itself is sufficient to teach the lover 
The ettiquette and conduct of love.

No matter how angry and annoyed you are,
When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
World will know peace.

It takes thousands of steps to create a heart that loves
It only takes one small step to break the heart that loves.

Life is too short, 
To create bridges in the heart. 
Take a moment in your life and build up some love.
Build up some kindness.

Give love to everyone
Just as rain falls upon everything and everyone.

Never break a love so that your love wouldn’t be broken,
Never hold back a love so that your love wouldn’t be held back.

The power of love is such that it can make you a great person or 
It can also ruin you.

So make your love something that will 
Make you GREAT! 

Binti Ghazally, Oola, 2019 

To learn how to be grateful,
Never look at those who are above us because 
We will never feel enough. 
To learn how to be thankful,
Look at those who are below us. 
Because from there we can directly see how lucky we are compared to them.

We have eyes,
But we rarely see,
We have senses,
But we rarely think,
We have ears,
But we rarely listen. 
Therefore,remember to always use the senses that Allah granted us, for us to think and to create gratitude to Allah.

Binti Ghazally, Oola, 2019 



Living in a world where everybody has a superhero or a role model that each one looks up to, I mean if you ask kids nowadays,

“Who do you wanna be like when you grow up?” Loudly and proudly they will reply, “Ironman!” and you’ll hear another saying, “Captain America!” and another kid from the other corner of the room will shout out, “Spiderman!” 

Or you don’t even need to ask kids, maybe if you ask a grown up, “Who do you look up to?” Or “Whose advises do you listen to when you’re feeling down?” Or “Where do you get inspirations from?” Some will say, “Oh I listen to Tony Robins!” “I get my inspirations from Robert Kiyosaki!” And some entrepreneurs would probably say, “I watch Vivy Yusof’s vlogs!” 

But sadly many have forgotten to mention the name Muhammad SAW whenever they were asked who their role models and superheroes are. 

Well, let’s just take ourselves down the memory lane and travel back in history about our Beloved Prophet as well as our superhero and influencer, Nabi Muhammad SAW. 

He was that man who was born and had no father to raise him up. And before he knows it, his mother had to leave him for good. Yet, he was able to show compassion to the entire ummah at large with equality, limitlessly, despite all the flaws of his ummah and that is none other than the spiritual father of the ummah, Nabiy-e-kareem SAW.  

Furthermore, this Noble Influencer, Muhammad SAW, has not just benefitted the ummah during His lifetime and afterwards, but he has benefitted the ummah before he was even born. And surely, none has been blessed with this noble legacy in the entire human history ! 

I mean, while his mother, Aaminah ( AS ) was carrying Him SAW, she had not experienced any sort of pain through out the pregnancy. Imagine what relief that is for any pregnant woman ! 

When he was born, there was a light that illuminated the entire Syria and the whole room that he was born in, was enveloped with light. Constellation of stars were about to collapse on the lap of Rasulullah SAW, at the time of his birth. He was born during daybreak, in junction of the day and the night so that both day and night could share the honour of Rasulullah SAW’s birth. 

Dear readers, these are just incidents at the time of his birth. Yet, he’s already blessed with so much entittlement and acknowledgement not just from mankind but from the entire universe. He must have been a really great man for the entire universe to love him to this extent. And no doubt, he is ! 

However, despite all these honour, he also had to go through a  tremendous amount of challenges and difficulties. The same Nabiy that is adored by many is the same Nabiy that is trampled by many. Yet, he’s never given up with the work of deen and His light has never stopped spreading around the globe upto this very day.   

He has shown us many examples of leading a successful life. He’s shown us methods of doing the smallest litte details like how should you relieve yourself. How should you eat. How should you walk. He’s shown us how to be a successful businessman. He’s shown us how to eradicate darkness and bring light. He’s shown us how to have a harmonious marriage. Oh trust me ! That’s one of the many issues that one finds no solution for. 

All the more, Aishah (RA) proclaimed to the sun saying that,

“Oh sun! All you do is enlighten a portion of the world and the remaining portion will still be in darkness. But my Rasulullah SAW, could enlighten the entire world without leaving out a single spot of darkness in it.” 

That was the immense love she had for Rasulullah SAW.

Hence, dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

all these influential people we look so high upon, are undoubtedly prestigious but never could they surpass Rasulullah SAW.

Ooops, before you say,  “Of course Rasulullah SAW could be so patient and successful because he was a Nabiy! We are not prophets. We are ordinary humans.” 

Let me just remind you again, he was born like all of us are. He gets hungry just like how we get hungry and our stomach starts making that grr grr sound. He feels tired just like how we get so exhausted and feel like we wanna lay in bed the entire day and not do anything. He feels the pain of betrayal and frustration just like how we feel the pain. He goes into depression due to all the workload that he has been entrusted upon, just like how we feel like our world is crushing when a whole month’s work due within a week. Yet he carries the impeccable quality in him all because he follows exactly what Allah Taala has taught him. 

One of the remarkable scholars used to mention,

“Quran Shareef is the manual book and Muhammad SAW is the demonstrator.”

So, I conclude this article with a special announcement for those who have read this far, 

A good news and unfortunately a bad news too for you.    

The good news is that, you have the formula of saving the world from all sorts of trials and tribulations. You can save the world from drowning into failure and darkness like a real superhero. You can be loved, adored and respected by many just like Rasulullah SAW, at this very moment of your life. 

But the bad news is that, you are not following and executing the formula shown by Rasulullah SAW. 

May Allah grant us the taufiq and hidaayah to follow the complete sunnah of Rasulullah SAW. May Allah grant us the overflowing love for Rasulullah SAW in our hearts and unite us with him, the sahabahs, martyrs and all the pious servants of Allah on the Day Of Qiyaamah in Jannatul Firdaus with all the people we love, inshaAllah ameen.


Sacrifices are only done out of great and sincere love for someone or something as no one would sacrifice themselves for something that is off no benefit nor it is done to someone without any feeling attached to it.

What is the true meaning of sacrifice? We would say true sacrifice is when the lover doesn’t feel afraid to risk himself for the beloved and would do anything to keep the beloved safe and happy but yet, some hopes and wishes on receiving the same treatment do lingers in the lover’s heart and mind.

The true meaning of sacrifice was already demonstrated and mentioned to us 1,400 years ago. It was done by the true lovers of Allah Ta’ala and His Rasul (SAW), the Sahabah Kiram (RA). They had spent their whole lives in Allah’s path and spent all of their time and every cent of their wealth for the upliftment of His religion without any hesitation. The sahabah (RA) had also put up their lives on the battles, striving and charging forward leaving behind their beloved family and all sort of thoughts but only keeping this one concern in their minds, this pure religion needs to reach mankind of all generations as it is everyone’s only key to the ultimate success, the hereafter.

However, in our era, we’ve been deluded on the success gained by the celebrities to be our goals and making them as our idols, while the main reason of their success is not based on the concern of spreading the pure deen but, it was for individual benefit and this is not the key to the success in the hereafter. 

The sahabah (RA) are not comprised of only elderly adults, however it comprises of all ages, skin colours, nationalities, characters, as well as having different backgrounds. They were normal people with different lifestyles and when the light of Iman were shun into their hearts, they embraced it so tightly after being in the darkness of ignorance, and due to the effect of the pure iman, they were willing to do anything for mankind to feel and have what they have gotten, which is Allah Ta’ala. 

From here is a story regarding a young sahabah who had left all the luxurious life and chose iman. 

Mus‘ab bin ‘Umair was a very handsome young man with a pair of natural blue eyes. He was the son of ‘Umair who was a wealthy person. He brought up his son in quite a luxurious fashion. He was the flower of the Quraish, the most handsome and youthful! Historians and narrators describe him as “The most charming of the Makkans”.

When Makkah slept and awoke there was no other talk but the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his religion, and this spoiled boy was one of the most attentive listeners. That was because, although he was young, the flower of clubs and assemblies, the outward appearance of wisdom and common sense were among the traits of Musab.

He heard that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and those who believed in him were meeting far away from the dignitaries and great men of the Quraish at As-safaa in the house of Al-Arqam ibn Al-Arqam dar Al-Arqam. He wasted no time. He went one night to the Dar Al Arqam, yearning and anxious. There, the Prophet(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was meeting his Companions, reciting the Qur’an to them and praying with them to Allah the Most Exalted. Musab had hardly taken his seat and contemplated the verses of Qur’an recited by the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) when his heart became the promised heart that night.

Mus`ab’s mother was Khunnas Bint Maalik, and people feared her almost to the point of terror because she possessed a strong personality. When Musab became a Muslim, he was neither careful before nor afraid of anyone on the face of the earth except his mother. Even if Makkah, with all its idols,nobles, and deserts were to challenge him, he would stand up to it. As for a dispute with his mother, this was an impossible horror, so he thought quickly and decided to keep his Islam secret until Allah willed. He continued to frequent Dar Al-Arqam and take lessons from the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). He was satisfied with his faith and avoided the anger of his mother, who had no knowledge of his embracing Islam.

However, Makkah at that time kept no secret, for the eyes and ears of the Quraish were everywhere, very alert and checking every footprint in its hot sands.

Once, `Uthmaan Ibn Taihah saw him steadily entering alarm’s house, then he saw him a second time praying the prayer like Muhammad. No sooner had he seen him than he ran quickly with the news to Mus`ab’s mother, who was astonished by it. Mus`ab stood before his mother, the people, and the nobles of Makkah who assembled around him, telling them the irrefutable truth and reciting the Quran with which the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) cleansed their hearts and filled them with honor, wisdom, justice, and piety. His mother aimed a heavy blow at him, but the hand which was meant as an arrow soon succumbed to the powerful light which increased the radiance of his face with innocent glory because it demanded respect with its quiet confidence. However, his mother, under the pressure of her motherliness, spared him the beating and the pain, although it was within her power to avenge her gods whom he had abandoned. Instead she took him to a rough corner of her house and shut him in it. She put shackles on him and imprisoned him there until he heard the news of the emigration (hijrah) of some of the believers to Abyssinia. He thought to himself and was able to delude his mother and his guards, and so escaped to Abyssinia.

He was the first envoy of Islam, bravely shouting the messages of Islam to the people all around. At the battle of Uhud, Musab was martyred. Ibn Sa`d said: Ibrahim lbn Muhammad lbn Sharhabiil Al-‘Abdriy related from his father, who said: Mus`ab lbn`Umair carried the standard on the Day of Uhud. When the Muslims were scattered, he stood fast until Hemet lbn Qumah who was a knight. He struck him on his right hand and cut it off, but Musab said, “and Muhammad is but a Messenger. Messengers have passed away before him ” (3:144). He carried the standard with his left hand and leaned on it. He struck his left hand and cut it off, and so he leaned on the standard and held it with his upper arms to his chest, all the whiles aying, “And Muhammad is but a Messenger. Messengers have passed away before him”. Then a third one struck him with his spear, and the spear went through him. Musab fell and then the standard.

Nay, the cream of martyrdom had fallen! He fell after he had struggled for the sake of Allah in the great battle of sacrifice and faith. He had thought that if he fell, he would be a stepping stone to the death of the Prophet(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) because he would be without defense and protection. But he put himself in harm’s way for the sake of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). overpowered by his fear for and love of him, he continued to say with every sword stroke that fell on him from the foe, “and Muhammad is but a Messenger. Messengers have passed away before him “(3:144). This verse was revealed later, after he had spoken it. After the bitter battle, they found the corpse of the upright martyr lying with his face in the dust, as if he feared to look while harm fellon the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). So he hid his face so that he would avoid the scene.Or perhaps, he was shy when he fell as a martyr, before making sure of the safety of the Prophet of Allah, and before serving to the very end, guarding and protecting him.

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his Companions came to inspect the scene of the battle and bid farewell to its martyrs. Pausing at Mus`ab’s body, tears dripped from the Prophet’s eyes. Khabbab ibn Al-Arat narrated: We emigrated with the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) for Allah’s cause, so our reward became due with Allah.Some of us passed away without enjoying anything in this life of his reward,and one of them was Mus`ab Ibn`Umair, who was martyred on the Day of Uhud. He did not leave behind anything except a sheet of shredded woolen cloth.If we covered his head with it, his feet were uncovered, and if we covered his feet with it, his head was uncovered. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said to us,”Cover his head with it and put lemon grass over his feet.”

Another beautiful and inspiring story of a sahabah who went for jihad without hesitation despite having his wish of marriage being fulfilled just before the call of jihad was made. 

At the time of the Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), a man came to the prophet named Sa’ad Al Aswad Al Sulumi and asked him,

“Oh, messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), will I also enter into Heaven (jannah)?”

The Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) responded, “Of course you will enter into Heaven if you are a believer.”

Sa’ad responded, “But me, I’m regarded as low amongst the believers.”

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, “Oh Sa’ad for you is the same reward as the rest of the believers,”

And Sa’ad asked, “then why would no one give me their daughter to marry.”

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) told him to go to Ibn Al Wahab, and he was one of the leaders of Medina who had just embraced Islam, and his daughter was known for her beauty. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) told Sa’ad go to Ibn Al Wahab and tell him that I have sent you to request his daughters hand in marriage.”

Sa’ad went to the home of Ibn Al Wahab looking for him. He was besides himself with excitement. He knocked on the door and said to Ibn Al Wahab,The Prophet has (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) sent me to request your daughters hand in marriage.

Ibn Al Wahab exclaimed, “You! To my daughter! Don’t you know my daughter! She’s known for her beauty,” and he told Sa’ad to go home. As Sa’ad began to walk away,

The daughter heard this, and said, “Oh father, wait. Wait! This is a request of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Where will we be if we turn down a request of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)? Where will we be if we turn away from the concerns of the messenger? I’ll tell you where we will be. We will be where we are!”

And she turned to Sa’ad and said, “Go to the Messenger of Allah, and tell him I am ready to marry you.” Sa’ad went to the prophet and he was elated!

The Prophet married them with a  dowry of 400 dirhams. Upon hearing that amount, Sa’ad exclaimed, “400 dirhams! Oh Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), I have never even seen 400 dirhams!

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) instructed him to go to Ali Al Nu’man ibn Awf and Uthman and tell them each to give you 200 dirhams each. They both gave him more than 200 dirhams.

On his way home to see his wife, he decides to stop by the marketplace to buy some gift for his beautiful wife. While at the market place, he hears the call to arms to prepare for battle. Sa’ad stood where he was and looked into the heavens. He said, “Oh Allah, I will buy something with this wealth that will please you. Oh Allah.” He bought a sword and a horse and he covered his face from the view of the Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). He knew that if the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) saw him he would send him home because he had just gotten married. The Sahabah were questioning, “Who is this man riding into battle with his face covered?” Ali replied, “He is coming to fight, leave him.” Sa’ad valiantly rode into battle, and eventually his horse was struck. He stood up, and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) saw his dark skin.

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) asked him, “Oh Sa’ad is that you?” Sa’ad said, “May my mother and my father be sacrificed for you oh Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). It is Sa’ad. Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), said, “Oh Sa’ad there is no other abode for you but Jannah.” He heard this and jumped back into the battlefield. After a while, people called that Sa’ad was wounded.

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) ran into the battlefield. He ran to find Sa’ad. He took the head of Sa’ad and placed it in his lap. The tears of the prophet were flowing and falling onto the face of Sa’ad. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was crying profusely. After a while, he started to smile, then he looked away.

There was a Sahaba named Abu Lubaba, who said “Oh Rasulullah, I saw you do something, I’ve never seen you do before. First you cried, then you smiled, then you looked away.”

The Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, “I cried because my beloved companion passed away. And I saw his sacrifice and his love for me. But when I saw his fate is by Allah, he had reached the hawd.” Abu Lubaba said, “What is the hawd?” He responded, “It is a fountain from which if a person drinks from, they will never be thirsty again. It is sweeter than honey and whiter than milk. And when I saw his status by Allah, I began to smile. Then I saw his wives in jannah running towards him with such eagerness that their shins were being exposed, so I looked away.”

This is only 2 inspiring stories of the sacrifices of these great sahabah, while there are many more that we need to read and learn from. Due to this kind of sacrifices made for Allah, the sahabah (RA) were blessed with such a title and a confirmation of entrance to paradise from Allah Ta’ala in the glorious Al Quran:

 رضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه

He is pleased with them and they (the sahabah) are pleased with Allah (with whatever condition they are placed in).

Lastly, in order to repay the sahabah (RA) for all of their sweat and blood, all we need to do is to remember them in our duas as well as keeping this Deen alive in us and spread it to others, having the same concern as them on wanting mankind to have what they have gotten. May Allah grant them the highest stages in jannatul firdaus without any hisab and grant them their share of rewards for all the sacrifices done for Allah and His Rasul (SAW).


When we talk about love, there are millions of stories and incidents that can describe this word. Love can be described from the tears of Muhammad peace be upon him, and the swelling of his feet in the middle of the night praying for his ummah. Love can be described from the sleepless night of a mother, the sweat of a father, knowledge given by a teacher. Love can be described from a hug of a sister, protection of a brother, and your favourite food cooked by your grandmother. There are many gestures of love that were shown by people and sometimes through animals too. As how we see on medias of a dog that would sit by the grave of its master and cry for his death. And sometimes how a cat would put her paws over her kittens out of protection. The mercy, love and compassion of Allah is seen through His creations. And felt by the heart. The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him mentioned in a hadith stated something to this effect, once he was pointing towards a mother with a child in her in her arms. Then he turned around and asked the companions RA “do you think that his mother would never throw her child into the fire?” The companions RA replied, “ definitely not ya Rasulullah” then the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him replied “ know that allah is 70 times more merciful and this mother.” 

Now if a mother would not throw a child into the fire, what more Allah that is 70 times more merciful than this mother? 

There was once a story about two men who lived their life in disobedience of Allah. Then on the day of resurrection, Allah calls them both for reckoning. After looking at their book of deeds, Allah SWT asked them, “Did My angels calculated your deeds unjustly?” They replied in the negative. Allah SWT asked again, “did you really break all My commands?” They both replied, “Yes.” Then Allah SWT ordered them both to jump into the fire of Hell. 

The first man jumped immediately into the fire of jahannam. While the other keeps turning to his back after every step. Allah SWT called them both and asked. “Why did you jump into the fire immediately?” The first man replied, “I have lived my whole life disobeying You, at least for once, I obey Your command.” Allah SWT then turned to the other man, “And why did you keep turning your head around as you walk?” He then replied, “Because I heard about Your mercy and that You are the Most Merciful, therefore I hoped for Your mercy on me.” 

Allah SWT then ordered them both, “Go! Enter into Jannah both of you with My mercy.” 

There are plenty signs of His love that spreads throughout all of us from the things we have to the air that we breathe. And most importantly is how He forgives every sin even if it is as much as the foam in the sea. 

Once there was a prostitute who was walking alone feeling very thirsty. Then she found a well nearby, so she took off her shoe to collect water from it. But by the well was a thirsty dog. The was also trying to get water from the well but he couldn’t. She then gave the dog water to drink. And for this act, Allah SWT forgave her all her sins. 

You may feel that you are undeserving of His love or maybe there are days when you’re tested with so many tests that you tend to question if it was all a punishment to you due to your sins. Or maybe if Allah doesn’t love you. True fact is that Allah SWT sends these tests to His servant only when the servant is astray from Him. It is a call to come back to Him. Especially in days where you feel like no one is there for you or to understand you, it’s a sign from Allah to rely on Him, to talk to Him, because He misses you and your voice in making du’as. And to forgive your sins for you by means of these tests as an atonement from the eternal punishment. So even tests from Allah SWT is a sign of His love. 

Once a buzrug (pious man) was walking in a jungle. Then he saw a scorpion pass by him somehow in a rush. He then followed this scorpion to see where it is going, the scorpion went on a back of a turtle to cross the river. And when it reaches the other side, the scorpion attacks a snake that was about to bite a man that was sleeping under a tree. The snake then went away. In conclusion the scorpion came to protect this man. Then the man suddenly woke up from his slumber, and asked what had happened. The buzrug narrated to him the whole thing and he then repented. 

The man that was sleeping under a tree was a drunkard man. And this was Allah’s way to show His divine love even to sinners. 

When a pious person makes du’a and calls out to Allah, Allah SWT replies once, “labbaik ya ‘abdi” (I am present oh My servant). 

And when a sinner calls out, “Ya Allah..” 

Allah SWT replies to him 3 TIMES, “labbaik, labbaik labbaik ya ‘abdi” 

(I am here, I’m here, I’m present oh My servant) 

And every single tear that drops from the eyes of a sinner is so much more beloved to Allah than a tear of a pious. And who among us that doesn’t sin at all? (His prophets are chosen men, their ranks are above us all and cannot be compared) 

In fact, in a hadith qudsi mentioned something to this effect, “if a nation doesn’t sin, I will remove it and bring a nation that sins.” And this is for Allah to show His infinite mercy and love to all mankind. 

We are all indeed not worthy of His love, undeserving of His mercy, but this is all to prove to us how great His mercy is, and how it encompasses everything, every single sin, every single mistake. 

If you ever feel Allah does not love you, bear this part of a hadith in mind, “when a person walks unto Me, I run unto him.” Allah SWT, the King of all Kings, would run to His servant, even if he takes one small step. And how can we make one step if it wasn’t from His power? So it was Allah first that made us take the first step, that first loves us, only then we are able to love Him. 

Allah SWT loves you, and He has made you among the ummah of Muhammad (peace be upon him), and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a mercy to the universe, and this mercy is in fact from the mercy of Allah. 

And to me, writing this article is in fact a sign of the love of Allah to me. 

May Allah grant us immense love from Him, makes us among those who He loves and raise us on the day of qiyamah among the mahboobeen (the lovers of Allah). Aamiin..


The Quran is a 114 chapter of love letter which our True Beloved, Allah SWT has sent to us, containing His message of love, advices and warnings. When a person gets a love letter, how much will he cherish it? 

 Imam Ghazali RA has mentioned a quotation from the Taurah in which Allah SWT address man: “O my servant! Are you not ashamed of your behaviour towards me? If you receive a letter from a friend while you are travelling on a road, you will stop on the side of the road and sit in a suitable place. You then read it with full attention and try to understand every word therein, so that no single points escape you.  But here is My Book which I have revealed to you. 

In it, I have expounded and explained everything in detail for your sake. In it I have really emphasized important matters, so that you may ponder over its every detail. But you show an attitude of indifference. Do you consider Me less important than even your friend? O My servant! When one of your friends sits with you and talks to you, you pay full attention to him. You listen to his words and take them to heart. If anybody speaks to you or interrupts your conversation with him, you stop him with a gesture. But when I turn My attention towards you and talk to you through My Book, you turn your attention away from Me. Do you consider Me less important than your friends?” When we read The Quran, Allah is listening to what we are reading. Therefore, we must always renew our intention when we are reading, because we are not reading to show that we can read Quran, or to show that we have a nice voice BUT WE ARE READING QURAN SOLELY FOR THE PLEASURE OF ALLAH.

When a person attach themselves to the Quran, we are actually attaching ourself to Allah SWT. The Quran is the greatest gift of Allah SWT to mankind. It is our guide and it even provides instructions for us at every stage of our life’s journey. Mankind is the greatest machinery which was created and manufactured by Allah SWT himself.

Just like how a machine will always be equipped with a manual book, in the same way Quran is the manual book that taught us on how to deal with things in life. 

It is imperative for us to have firm conviction in the Quran as it is our source of guidance and sucess. Without Quran, astrayness and emptiness will fill our heart.

Unfortunately, nowadays most people focus more on keeping their body healthy and fit that they tend to neglect on concentrating to those things which nourishes the hearts and the minds – The Holy Quran.

People spent more time on gadgets and entertainment than spending time on the words of Allah. Sometimes the Quran is not being touch for so long, that dust is full on the cover. 

Do we realize how important Quran is to us? 

Quran is also such, that it can become our loyar and attorney in our grave and on the day of qiyamah, If we show our love and concern to the Quran.

Many times we wonder, why is our recitation of Quran has no effect on our lives? 

That’s because we are reading the Quran without having the love of Allah in our heart.


What qualifies a person to become an experienced doctor?

What about a successful master in property investment?

I believe an experienced doctor is qualified after a lengthy amount of learning with a lot of practices and surgeries in the operating theatre and a master of property investments is when he has large amounts of properties on his name.

Then what about an expert in matters of Islamic knowledge?

As we all know, Islamic knowledge is vast, as vast as the ocean.

Allah Ta’ala mentions

“Thus ask the people of knowledge if you do not know”

Surah Nahl 16;43

So who are the people of knowledge mentioned in this verse.

Who dares now to call himself one?

However our Great Imams have reached the closest stages of knowledge after the companions of the Prophet Muhammad had passed on.

Our Imam Shafi’e was titled as “Nasirus Sunnah” (the saviour of sunnah) in Baghdad.

He memorized the Quran Shareef when he was 7, the Muatta of Imam Malik when he was 10 and his Shaikh, Muslim bin Khallad az Zanji permitted him to pass verdicts (fatwa) when he was only 15 and some narration says when he was 18.

What were we still doing at those ages?

For those learning Deen (Islamic knowledge) probably have a hard time remembering Arabic grammar rulings or maybe still looking for chains of narrators to prove the authenticity of a Hadith.

Let’s say one claims he has such knowledge and ability.

What about when Allah Ta’ala says

“Do not follow your desires for that will cause you to go astray”

(Surah Sad 38;26)

Desires, mankind are filled with them. Only the strength of one’s Iman, Taqwa and a’amal.

But again, where are we when it comes to these factors?

Abu Muayyid Khawarizmi narrates that bdullah bin Mubarak once said, “On one occasion a few goats were stolen in Kufa. On hearing this, Imam Abu Hanifah enquired about the average maximum age of a goat. When he was informed that goast normally live up for up to 7 years, he abstained from eating goat meat for seven years fearing it might be the meat from a stolen goat.

The son of Imam Ahmad bin Hambal says, “My father used to perform three hundred rakaat daily. When he became ill due to the lashes which weakened him, he used to perform one hundred and fifty rakaat. At that time he was close to eighty years of age.

He used to recite one seventh of the Quran daily, thereby completing the Quran Shareef in seven days.”

The Sahabah of the Prophet and these Ulama were very particular on every aspect of Deen.

When we examine the lives of these four Imams, the outstanding feature could be described with the following words,

“They were a personification of the sunnah of the Prophet in every walk of life in entirety.”

Therefore back to the message of Allah Ta’ala to us:

“Follow the path of those who turn to Me (Allah Ta’ala)”

Surah Luqman 31;15

Then a question comes, why only the four of them and not others?

We cannot find any Ulama (scholar of Islam) from the Ulama of the past whose mazhab, work of Deen, researches and books have been entirely recorded like that of the four Imams.

Therefore with the consensus of the Ummah in the past have decided that only these four Imam should be followed.

Was it done during the time of the Prophet? 

Yes it was!

The Prophet Muhammad had sent Sayyidina Mu’aaz bin Jabal to Yemen and instructed the people of Yemen to follow the verdicts (fatwa) given by Sayyidina Mu’aaz.

Was it done by the 4 khalifah of the Prophet?

If it was done by the Prophet himself, then what do you think?

During the rule of Sayyidina Umar, he had a Darul ifta made which only consist of 8 sahabah. These were the only sahabah that were given the permission to pass a verdict throughout all the Islamic empire. All besides these 8 sahabah were not allowed to practice on their own verdict even if they be a sahabah or the family members of the Prophet.

They were Sayyidina Ali, Uthman, Muadh bin Jabal, Abdur Rahman Bin Auf, Ubayy bin Kaab, Zaid bin Thabit, Abu Hurairah and Abu Darda radiyallahu anhum.

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